Monday, October 28, 2019


At first, I didn’t know how to edit. It was complicated and wasn’t very fast feeling. Then I got the hang of it. Our commercial was 1 minute unedited. We quickly realized we had way to much to work with and every take relies on the other. We had to do some reworking. I didn’t go first for editing because we were going two people in the group at a time.We did this because we didn’t have enough space on the computer. While the others worked, I watched to see how they edited. I learned pretty quick.

When it was my turn to go, I didn’t think it was that hard to edit. When I sat down I realized that it was harder than I thought. I did manage to trim some stuff. There was still 55 seconds left after cutting a big chunk. I couldn’t think to do anything. As me and my teammate edited, I saw that we could cut out two takes. If we did this we could get down to 40 seconds. We did it but then we had to get down to 30. We traded with our other teammates. They got it to 30 in time.

I learned a lot about editing. I could select places that I wanted to watch. I could cut stuff out. I could move the takes around. We could add transitions. We could put sounds. We could put music. Next class we plan on finishing. We are going to add the sounds and music later. We are going to export it too.

Filming blog

When we did our filming, I did lots to help our commercial. I did a big part of the acting. I played as the boring person who was turned into the cool person. I first walked into the scene. Then I walked to table and said What’s up. My team team responded and I complained about being boring. Then I looked up to see a cool man standing over me. I took a chicken nugget and ate it. Then I was wearing cool clothing. Then I became cool.

Getting ready for the filming, I thought ahead. I got everyone and put them into a group chat. I told everyone what they were bring as props or costumes. My job was to get the Wendy’s nuggets. I got them a day early because we were filming in the morning. I thought they might not serve nuggets in the morning. When we got to our setting area, I sorted through what we were going to do with the props. I got the cool stuff and gave it to me and another team member. The Wendy’s I also gave to the team member. We also got lunch to eat for boring food.

I also came up with a lot of ideas. We had our story board but we had some things to workout. We had to think of how it started out. We thought it could start out with someone eating lunch. He would be sad that he had no spice in his life. Then we thought it would be funny if a person slammed food on the table. He would have really cool clothes. Everyone would be amazed about how cool he was. Then the boring person would get cool clothes. Then he would know how cool he was.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


This is my storyboard my team made for the Wendy’s commercial for our project. In the Commercial we have 3 people sitting at a lunch table. One asks what they were doing and the other friend says nothing, being boring. Then they see this cool and rad dude that is holding the Wendy’s nuggets and one friend starts drooling over him. He says what are those and try’s one and becomes super cool. The original cool person start telling everyone to get it then.

The camera angle we are going to use is probably just the eye level angle. The camera shots we are going to use are wide shot, 3 shot, 2 shot, extreme close up, medium shot, medium long shot and medium close up. Wide shot to introduce the scene. 3 shot and 2 shot to show the dialogue. Extreme close up to show eating the nugget. Medium, medium long, medium close up just to show the characters better.

The camera movements we will use are zoom in and zoom out. The zooming in is on the nuggets and zooming out is for a transition from really close up on boring person 1 to zooming out quickly to show he has cool clothes now.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing blog

Today our Aice media studies teacher taught us how to do many new things. First we learned how to get and operate a camera and it’s items that come along with it. What we have to do first is grab a sheet of paper and fill it out to. We fill it out to get our camera to use for our film. We have to slide the card into the slot in the camera to start filming. There is a tripod we can use too and on our camera we have a little hole so we can fit the camera in the tripod. On the forms we fill out, we have to put the number on our camera and other equipment on the form. This is because the teacher needs to know what camera and equipment I’m taking. We have to bring the form back the next day as well as the equipment or else we will be in big trouble. Then when we are done filming, we have to report back to class before the period ends.

When we finish recording, we have to put our shots and takes onto our computer. First we have to take the std card out of the computer. Second we take the ssd card and put it into a usb drive. We take that usb drive and put into the computer. You take all the videos and put it into the computer all at once. You would want to have a file on your computer to make it easier for you. You should name that file Aice media studies (then the film you are making). Then we go to pinnacle studios and insert our footage. You hit import in the top right corner and then hit the plus to the side of desktop. Then go to the file you had and then insert.

There were many editing tools we had to choose from. To start we had to select the videos and drag them down to the bar. Then you could do pretty much anything. You can add transitions by right clicking and then adding them. You can add text by hitting the capital T. You can crop things out and navigate by using the upside down triangle and red line. You can view what you did at any time because of the big window in the the top right corner. What you have to do to view is hit the space button or the play button and watch. You can add music in a scene or mute it completely. All of these tools I can see myself using in my films.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Planning Blog

Our commercial is going to be on Wendy's new legendary spicy nuggets. Today we are making a blog about our planning stage in our commercial where we will list out the props, costumes, schedule and our backup plan, as well as explain why we chose to do those ideas. The props will bring life to the scene we are trying to set. The costumes will also help set the scene. Making sure our schedule is organized imperative to our project, so all of our group members know when we are brainstorming, filming, and editing. The background plan will be used as a last resort if any of our group members are absent.

Props - 
  • chicken nugget container - to give to boring man
  • hot sauce - to be used by boring man and still be bored
  • gross food - to be eaten by boring man
  • lunch plate - used by boring man
  • chair - for the boring man to sit in
  • table - to be eaten on
  • Regular school-wear- to portray a sense of blandness
  • cool wear - when the cool dude with the spicy nuggets walks in
  • other cool wear - when the bland guy bites into a nugget
  • October 10th/day one - brainstorming
  • October 14th/day two - film
  • October 16th/day three - editing
  • inner cafeteria (if not available - use outside table)
back up plan
  • we only have two main characters and one extra, so we can leave out the extra and just have one boring man.
  • if the cafeteria is not open, we can just use the outside tables or any other table.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Commercial Convention

Many commercials use the same tactics and styles to sell their product. We are going to write a Wendy's commercial. We have an idea to do an advertisement about the new Wendy's spicy chicken nuggets because it is the hottest and most hip chicken nugget on the market. We feel very strongly for this new nugget and it made us cry tears of joy when it came back into our lives. Collectively, our group loves Wendy’s chicken nuggets and are excited about the prospect of making a fake commercial.

We will advertise many things in our commercial, such as Wendy’s baconator and their fantastic 4 for 5 deal where you get a burger, fries, a drink and chicken nuggets for only five dollars. But the main focus of the commercial is the delicious spicy chicken nuggets. The commercial will have a hot theme to further prove that Wendy’s spicy chicken nuggets are not to be messed with. We will probably throw the spice onto them in slow motion with rock music on the background. It’s gonna be great.

Some will say that McDonald’s is better. But we will say something along the lines of “not like those other chicken nuggets” or “a kick you won’t get anywhere else!” To go against our main competitor in the spicy chicken buissness, Popeyes, we will show a box of their color (orange) getting smashed by our bigger, better red box of nuggets.

Intro Blog

Hello my name is James McCrady. This is where I will be doing my blogs for Aice media studies. It is my 5th period class for Cambridge. I found an interest in this class and thought it would be fun. My friends are also in this class which I feel will make me want to be in this class even more. I will probably be doing my group projects with them. We just started blogs which I will be doing a lot of and will be sending it to Cambridge.

I attend Fort Lauderdale high school. I am in 10th grade. I am on the swim team and plan to swim all four years of high school swimming. My favorite class is drawing and painting. I like to say I’m a pretty good swimmer and can go 57 seconds for my 100 yard short course butterfly.

Last week we had a swim meet at plantation pool. It was very difficult competition. I had fun and made it to finals. I did good at that meet and tonight the team is celebrating at a Mexican restaurant. We got 2nd overall for our boys swim team.

Part B exam

In relation to the media area you have studied, discuss the ways audience consumption has changed over time.     Not until the past few ...