Friday, January 17, 2020

Final introduction

My name is James McCrady, and I am starting my final project. I have loved movies ever since I was little and am very excited to make 2 minutes of my own original. I am very creative and artistic which helps me with these types of projects. My team has 4 members. The members are Dylan, Trent, Owen, and I. We chose each other because we know how well we work together. We worked on all of our previous media studies projects. Trent is a great actor and is very creative. Owen is a great camera person and actor. Dylan is a great editor and actor and with all this combined, we thought we would make a good team.

Over the time I have been in this class I have learned many things and intend to use all of it to my advantage. I learned how to classify my camera angles and movements. I learned how to edit and call the edit I made correctly. In my commercial I realized time management. In my music video I srealized how long a certain amount of time was and how hard it was to fill it. I learned how to dump my camera into my computer. I learned that props are expensive. Props are also not a last minute thing to buy. With all of this information I have learned over the past two projects and home projects, I am confident we can get a good final film. I believe my team and I will be making an amazing opening two minutes to a movie.

Our newest and final project requires multiple pitches. A pitch is a an idea where a film is encapsulated in 25 words or less. We have multiple pitches from different group members, but we have to choose only one that we will focus on. Our pitches before were:

A car ride that takes a turn.
An unexpected lover breaks someones heart.
3 rascals that find trouble with the government.

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