- pretty much all the camera angles are eye level and sometimes low angle. All camera positions were used but mostly over the shoulder, long shot, medium close ups, and 2 shots were used. There are a surprisingly amount of zooms in this movie, along with hand held, tracking, pans, and tilts.
-The costumes are normal business suits and common clothes. Lights are common and natural with other lights on faces to make them pop. The acting if very good and people are very serious with it too. The makeup they use is not a lot, mostly women's normal make up and sometimes blood. props are normal business objects, sometimes weapons, food, and drinks. the setting is in the city in an office and rooms and streets.
- Sounds are diegetic and nondiegetic with voice overs and there are lots of dialogue. They use a sound track too.
-common editing would be lots of cross cutting, some cut aways, and shot reverse shots.
-The elements of the genre in the movie are lots of suspense and things that get my heart racing. The movie gets my brain thinking.There are common clothes in this movie, common lighting, and pretty much everything you would see in the Mis-En-Scene for this genre. This movie has the same camera angles and movements as well.
-I loved the suspense that they used. I loved that they really were confusing and manipulating the audience the entire time watching.
-I did not like how long it was though, it seemed like the same thing over and over but, I feel they made it work.

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